Carlingford School of Dance
Excited for Term 2 classes - commencing from Saturday 27th April.
CONGRATULATIONS TO LIAM COSTELLO on his recent win at the World Irish Dancing Championships. Liam is the first Australian dancer to win two World Championship titles after his first win in 2018. Well done Liam - we couldn’t be prouder of your amazing effort and hard work. Great work from Miss Georgia on her dancing at her first World Championships - we have loved sharing the journey with you.
Well done to all students on a fabulous term 1 - we look forward to showing off your work during our Open Week - Week 2.
Great work from our exam students in ADA Bronze, Silver and Gold Star on their excellent exam results and our Senior Tap class on achieving their first teaching level exam and to all our Irish students who took part in their Irish Dancing Exams from our Grade 1 Beginners to our Senior dancers in Grade 10.
CSOD offers a variety of classes for students, from our specially designed pre-school programmes to our adult teaching programmes. Classes are held at Carlingford and North Rocks in RAD Ballet, ADA Jazz, ADA Tap, Contemporary and Irish Dancing.
Our vision is to share with our students our love of dance in a caring and nurturing environment; enrich positive attitudes; to provide a friendly and encouraging atmosphere; to provide new and exciting challenges and to develop confidence, self esteem and creativity in our students.
CSOD is a place where friendships are built to last a life time.
We look forward to welcoming you to dance in 2019.
Carlingford School of Dance is a provider for Creative Kids and Active Kids.